Professional and Executives

Mental Health Services for Professionals
COVID has transformed how we look at things. Our world seems even smaller. Work from home culture has boomed with most of us utilizing technology for remote work. The "me time " during daily commute has shriveled. Interpersonal space has been invaded a lot of times by people we love the most, leading to feelings of frustration, anger and eventually a lot of guilt. Professionals in different fields already handling different work related demands, meetings, deadlines now have to deal with limited work space, boundary violations, social isolation, lack of physical mobility. All these factors have taken a toll on our mental health. It has been challenging to establish boundaries between work and home, work and kids, work and exercise and work and work itself. At the same time, work related demands have increased in our profit driven society. There are multiple things to navigate for a busy professional with limited time left to invest in self care. Stress, anxiety, sadness, and despair are frequently intricately linked to professional achievement.
The growing workload for physicians is coupled with apparently endless paperwork that prevents you from helping your patients. Up to 40% of doctors in the United States experience emotional, physical, and psychological burnout due to their work, and many more report lower job satisfaction. Medical malpractice claims, as well as substance misuse and suicide rates, are on the rise.
We understand the challenges professionals and executives in various fields like healthcare, finance, pharmaceutical, automotive and other industries face. We are here to help you navigate these challenges so that you can continue to optimize your functioning at work and at home and help you live a healthy balance life and inspire joyful living. Please don't hesitate to reach out to us if you need help. Seeking help is a sign of strength and insightfulness and goes along with your pursuit of happiness.
Our Approach
Our approach to evaluating and treating professionals is to create a safe, confidential environment where you can be yourself and discuss what's bothering you. We understand the irony of achieving professional and personal success while still feeling insufficient, unsatisfied, or fearful that it will all vanish. We adopt a comprehensive approach to treatment and understand the importance of elaborate history: emotional, medical, career, developmental, relationships, before formulating a personalized treatment plan. We are firm believers that our childhood and teenage years are very formative in what we are today and we take our time to understand your early childhood and teenage developmental trajectories and how it affect your current ways of dealing with stressors, your reactions, your choices and your interpersonal relationships. We help you understand yourself and work closely with your therapists to accomplish that goal.
We are very conservative in prescribing any medications and would give a very honest recommendation if they are helpful and recommended. We provide you a non-judgmental, open environment where you are free to be "you" and we respect your believes and values and help you grow.
Physicians, high-profile CEOs, attorneys, nurses, dental experts, and advanced degree students are the high achievers we help. We also offer extensive second opinions and complex consultations.
Please allow us to help you and inspire joyful living.
Let's Help You!
35 Bedford St #17,
Lexington, MA 02420,
United States